Studies in Talmudic Logic
| Analysis of Concepts and States in Talmudic Reasoning
Michael Abraham, Israel Belfer, Dov Gabbay and Uri Schild
In this book we deal with combinations of concepts defining individuals in
the Talmud. Consider for example Yom Kippur and Shabbat. Each concept
has its own body of laws. Reality forces us to combine them when they
occur on the same day. This is a case of "Identity Merging".
As the combined body of laws may be inconsistent, we need a belief
revision mechanism to reconcile the conflicting norms. The Talmud offers
three options:
1 Take the union of the sets of the rules side by side
2. Resolve the conflicts using further meta-level Talmudic principles (which
are new and of value to present day Artificial Intelligence)
3. Regard the new combined concept as a new entity with its own Halachic
norms and create new norms for it out of the existing ones.
This book offers a clear and precise logical model showing how the Talmud
deals with these options.
8 January 2014
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